Road crossing with SGK siphon
Project report by SystemGroup, Italy
Today we will see a very interesting solution, which exploits the versatility of SGK technology built on Krah machines, conveniently used in an AIPO road construction site in the province of Milan (Senago) for a road crossing.
The original idea was to use classic box-type concrete blocks to create the siphon. However, a discussion between the client and the company revealed the need to reduce the construction time to a minimum, finding a solution that would guarantee fast execution of the work and maximum safety from the point of view of hydraulic tightness. In this context, we were approached and proposed the solution consisting of the SGK DN 1500 mm spiral pipe siphon. The use of polyethylene spiral pipes and special pieces proved to be a winner due to the speed of laying and the guarantee of the sealing system.
(reduced construction time)
Thanks to the high lightness and flexibility of SGK pipes, it was possible to weld them out of the trench, optimising time and laying the entire pre-assembled siphon inside the trench. All this was possible thanks to the electro-weldable socket joint system between the various elements that make up the siphon.
The unique electro-weldable socket sealing system was one of the decisive elements for the choice, as with the polyfusion caused by welding, there are no potential hydraulic leakage points, which are essential to guarantee the stability of the work and the safety of users. Even small leaks, constant over time, when it comes to siphons for road crossings, can cause real disasters caused by chasms in the ground and the consequent collapse of the roadway. I remind you, as always, that if you are interested in learning more and discover all the case studies, you can interact directly with our INTERNAL ENGINEERING TEAM dedicated to design support, here:
11 Via Foglia, Lunano, 61026 (PU) Italy
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