Krah Machines

Krah Technology

Krah high performance plastic pipe production technology, made in Germany

Decades of experience and development brought Krah the worldwide key role as producer of large diameter plastic pipe production and application technologies worldwide. Our achievements in process engineering and design are based on countless engineering and project experiences. Customers benefit from the technical and commercial experience of Krah, both in production and application, by providing sustainable and cost-efficient piping solutions to their customers.   

Today Krah Group is developing individual solutions on the international market for large diameter plastic pipe production and application technology

We think globally and act in partnerships: the Krah Group develops globally markets and strategies for a sustainable business in large diameter plastic pipe. Wherever in America, Asia, Africa, Australia or Europe – we present customized solutions and assist you throughout to the successful realization of your projects.

If it’s a startup of a complete new pipe production plant in a complete new market, if it’s an investment to gain more market shares with production technology of Krah or if it’s the modernization of an existing pipe manufacturing plant to cover newer market segments, we’re assuring necessary assistance to explore your market and your business.

The Krah group is producing and developing the Krah helical extrusion technology in the headquarters of Krah Group in Westerwald, Germany. The main mission is to develop the production technology of Krah, where the most cost-efficient pipes (gravity, low pressure and pressure) from diameters DN ID 300 up to DN ID 5000 mm made out high density polyethylene and/or Polypropylene with integrated socket/spigot according the applicable jointing technology can be produced on only one single production line.

Therefore, two different production lines are available at Krah ….

KR production line

The KR Series is designed to produce pipes, fittings and manholes in diameters ranging from DN/ID 300 mm to DN/ID 5000 mm in the most economical and eco-friendly way.

The pipes can be produced in lengths from 1m up to 6m and on special request even longer. The main applications for the final profiled pipe products are non-pressure applications like drain, storm drain, sewer piping systems and storage tanks as well as low-pressure applications like irrigation systems.

KDR production line

The KDR Production Line is designed and developed to produce pipes, fittings and manholes.

The production method works by compounding in line during pipe production. All dimensions from DN ID 300 mm up to DN ID 5000 mm can be produced in a length up to 6 meter. The glassfibre reinforced polyethylene pipes are mainly used for pressure pipe application and pipe jacking. The Compounds with filler material are used to increase the stiffness significantly for buried pipe application. Production line can be equipped for solid wall production only as also for profiled wall structure pipes.

Solid One

Extrusion technology for solid wall plastic pipes up to DN/ID 5000mm

This plant has been designed for efficient tank producing, a cost-effective and very flexible plant which produces the tank shells. These shells can be solid wall, they can have a conical wall structure or can be graduated. Furthermore you have the possibility to produce double wall tanks with integrated leakage control. The diameter range goes from DN/ID1000 up to DN/ID5000 (larger diameters on request).


The high performance plastic pipe production technology by Krah Made in Germany

Krah Technology can produce a wide range of products for the several market segments like pipe, fittings, manholes, tanks etc. To maintain the high level of quality, Krah is producing and developing the specific equipment for the purposed product in Germany. The Krah R&D department is working constantly to increase quality and durability of its products

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