Solid One

Solid One

The high performance plastic pipe production technology by Krah Made in Germany

Krah helically wound tanks and apparatus, solid wall up to DN/ID 5000mm

This plant has been designed for efficient production of tanks and apparatus. The Krah Solid one  line is designed to produce tanks from DN/ID 1000 mm up to DN/ID 5000 mm with a maximum length of 7 meter made out different grades of polyethylene or polypropylene.  The range of wall thickness is from 5 mm up to 250 mm. The machine can be equipped with an upgrade to produce a special double wall for leakage control. 

The complete space for the production is 20m x 20m with a building height of approximately 7m (depending on the largest tank). All parts are made for heavy duty application. The heating system gas and IR) is completely controlled by using an IR-Camera, with a 10” heating image, to secure a good and stable connection between the different layers or materials. With this extruder combination it is also possible to add some other materials between the layers like a glass fiber mesh.

Main Features

Here you will find a list of technical data for high performance plastic pipe production technology.

ApplicationMaterialOutputPipe diameterPipe lengthPlace requirementStandardsTechnology
  • Industrial pipes
  • chemical storage tanks
  • drinking water tanks
  • Polyethylene:
    • PE 80, PE 100
  • Polypropylene:
    • PP-H, PP-R, PP-S

Output: 500 kg/h (nominal), according to DVS 2205 and EN 12573 or any other specific application guidelines

1000 mm - 5000 mm

up to 7,5 meter

20 x 20 meter

  • DVS2205
  • EN12573

Krah Helical Extrusion


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  • Krah Group
  • +49 (27 41) - 97 64 0
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