Ciudad Obregón, Sonora, una ciudad de 475,000 habitantes ubicada en el Noroeste de México, es una de las ciudades con mayor porcentaje de agua de drenaje tratada en el país, llegando a 95% , ahora la tecnología Krah ha entrado a este mercado exitosamente.
Ciudad Obregon, Sonora a city of 475,000 people in the Northwestern part of Mexico is one of the cities, that has the highest percentage of treated water in the country treating around 95% of its sewage water, and now Krah technology has entered this market successfully.
10 Questions for Sandra Perez / Krah América Latina, Buenos Aires
Krah New Mena plastic
With approximately 8 million people Cairo (Egypt) is the most populous city in the Arab world. Today the metropolitan area of Cairo is even home to around 25 million people, which means that the provision of clean drinking water and disposal of wastewater is one of the biggest challenges of this region. To address this problem the government has embarked on the project "Primary care families", some time ago. This project aimed to support people, "who had lost their homes in catastrophes or who lives in very bad conditions."