Dear readers
Life goes on…
For more than 7 months, COVID-19 has had the world firmly under control. When the virus first appeared in December 2019 in Wuhan, probably nobody over here expected that this virus would present us with major challenges of any kind. A strong economy, a well-functioning health system and trust in politics – what could happen to us? But with the latest occurences of COVID-19 in the Western countries we were taught better. Italy and Spain were on the brink of disaster, thousands of new infections daily, the number of deaths increased by several hundred persons a day. The hospitals are completely overloaded, trucks full of dead bodies and desperation all over the country. The USA, which initially thought it was safe, was also hit very hard.
Of course, Germany was not spared either. 200.000 infected and 9.000 dead by COVID-19 are currently reported for our country. Despite these numbers, we still got off relatively lightly in Germany, thanks not least to our good healthcare system and the rapid intervention of politicians. Nevertheless, our company also had to take measures at the beginning of March to slow down the spread of the virus. Therefore, all office staff were sent to work from home and the production staff worked in shifts to have as little contact with each other as possible. This change was well-received by everyone and worked without any problems. Production continued throughout the whole period and we were able to stay on schedule. Many companies did not have this luck and had to close for several weeks or months, for some it has cost them their existence.
In the meantime, life has returned to normal so far, but some restrictions still exist and will probably keep us busy for some time. Nevertheless, everyone is happy about a certain normality, even if nothing will be the same as before COVID-19. A certain caution and fear will remain in each of us. The virus has shown us how vulnerable we actually are and how quickly the world can be shaken. But it also showed us, what kind of luxury we live in. Seeing family and friends at any time, going out for dinner in the evening, going to school and work every day, just going on holiday for a short time - all this has not been possible in the last time. Perhaps the virus also did reset us a bit, slowed down life a bit, appealed to humanity and taught appreciation - let’s hope that this lasts longer than the virus itself!